These units are most effective as an add on for hydraulic circuits as well as cooling gear drives. The most common application is for hydraulic circuits where there are sudden oil flow changes with cylinders where flow surges and spikes from cylinder operation do not allow the use of the cooler in the main circuit due to the risk of cooler element damage. Use of this type of cooler with its own separate circuit will avoid this problem.
Pump Pressure – pump delivery pressure to 5 Bar*
Performance range to 1.4 kW/°C ETD*
Oil flows to 230 L/min.
For more information download the page from our catalogue.
COAXIAL Pump Coolers.pdf
DYNACOOL Catalogue
Oil Heat Exchanger Computer Model Selection Program – Information
* Higher pressure ratings available. Performance is based on ISO 68 hydraulic oil at 30cSt, for other fluids and viscosities please contact our sales office.